Sunday, February 21, 2010

Food Inc. Post 3

My favorite section from this part of the book was Marion Nestle's article Eating Made Simple. I enjoyed how she dissected the different groups of food and discussed the pros and cons of them from a nutritionist's standpoint. I learned a lot about the types of food I generally eat, and since I've recently become interested in this, I enjoyed the informative nature of her article.

I found the Questions for the Farmer article to also be informative, but also rather repetitive. I feel like it was an effective way for the information to be presented, yet it also became boring to read after a while. The Declare your Independence article had a much angrier tone set to it, but I also found it more interesting to read. On page 186 when Salatin lays into the food industry by suggesting that "safety is a subjective matter" really struck home with me. I found myself agreeing with much of what he said even though it was presented in a rather caustic manner. I enjoyed reading his suggestions about what you can do personally to help because it related partially to my topic for my argument essay. I feel like much of what Salatin suggests should really be taken to heart by his readers simply because it makes sense for both the environment and for your personal health.

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